What Causes A Hangover? Symptoms, Duration, Treatment, and More

Read more about foods to eat and avoid when hungover and effective home remedies for a hangover. In the vast majority of cases, hangover symptoms resolve after about 24 hours. In this article, we explore the causes of hangovers and how to reduce the symptoms. We also look at factors that influence their severity. The severity of a hangover is closely linked to how much alcohol the person has consumed and how much sleep they have had.

  • Respiratory problems (Reported by 10%)Some people with histamine intolerance can develop allergy-like symptoms after drinking.
  • Headaches may also be tied to dehydration caused by the diuretic effects of alcohol.

Another review found that ginger had potential antioxidant and liver-protective effects. “Sports drinks will elevate blood glucose and can elevate sodium levels, which help muscle cells uptake and use water, leading to quicker rehydration,” explains McCall. Some research backs this up, showing that drinking electrolytes after long periods of dehydration can significantly restore important minerals, like sodium, potassium, and calcium. The only way to prevent a hangover is to avoid alcohol entirely or drink in moderation, giving the body plenty of time to process the alcohol before consuming more.

What are the effects of alcohol on the brain?

For some people, as little as one drink can trigger a hangover. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Dr. Robert Swift, a researcher at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Rhode Island, coauthored one of the few review papers on hangovers in 1998. It’s still one of the most frequently cited sources on the topic. The rundown on hangover remedies that follows is based on that review, an interview with Dr. Swift, and several other sources.

Is a hangover just dehydration?

The experience of a hangover varies between individuals, but, generally it is characterized by headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and dehydration. A hangover can also cause difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to light and noise, thirst, diarrhea, and lethargy.

Some people get a hangover after even one drink. Other people who drink heavily don’t get symptoms. Some people take over-the-counter pain relievers (often acetaminophen) before going to bed to minimize hangovers. It is important to recognize that the combination of alcohol and acetaminophen can be toxic to the liver.

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We’ve all been there after a night of drinking feeling full of regret from the things we did or said the night before. This explains why dehydration and thirst are one of the most reported hangover symptoms. Many doctors and nutritionists alike agree that ginger is one of the best natural remedies for soothing an upset stomach, which is often a common symptom of a hangover. Some hangover symptoms result how long does a hangover last from nutrient deficiencies, and vitamin B12 is particularly affected by alcohol use, according to a study. “They can definitely replenish fluids and decrease the dehydration that contributes to a hangover,” says Kennedy, who recommends watermelon and cucumbers, which both have a high water content. “A sprinkle of salt on either can replenish electrolytes if someone has vomited,” Kennedy adds.

what is a hangover

Alcohol impairs your attention, decision-making processes and muscle coordination. You might engage in risky behavior you wouldn’t ordinarily do. For example, driving during a hangover can be dangerous or even deadly. Moderate alcohol use for healthy adults means up to one drink a day for women of all ages and men older than age 65, and up to two drinks a day for men age 65 and younger.

Guide to a Hangover

Even slight damage to the mitochondria can lead to toxicity in brain regions. One of the ways that alcohol is metabolized in our bodies is by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). As ADH breaks down ethanol, it forms acetaldehyde, which is a poison and https://ecosoberhouse.com/ a carcinogen. This is relatively quickly turned into acetate, then finally into carbon dioxide and water. Don’t take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for a hangover or anytime you’ve been drinking. The combination of this med and alcohol can damage your liver.

Sensible drinking is about restraint, which might be easier when you know that alcohol impairs you the next day. Alcohol damages the stomach and intestine lining, so it can give you diarrhea and leave you feeling nauseated. It may cause a tiny bit of inflammation in your pancreas too.

PLUS, the latest news on medical advances and breakthroughs from Harvard Medical School experts. Even so, Dr. Swift advises against using alcohol as a hangover remedy. “The hair of the dog just perpetuates a cycle,” he says.

Treatment for alcohol problems is widely available. Many of these disturbances of the body’s natural physiology persist the next day, long after the alcohol is gone. Dehydration plays a significant role, as does acetaldehyde. Effects on hormones, blood chemistry, the sleep-wake cycle and inflammatory chemicals are also important in the thoroughly lousy feeling we have come to know as a hangover.

How Much Alcohol is Too Much?

If you drink to excess, a review of research found that your immune system may already be weaker than normal. Considering these effects vary widely from person to person—and even from one event to another—it is very hard to study them, which makes hangovers a tough nut to crack. If you have a hangover, you’ll likely wake up with low blood sugar, which is why eating carbs can make you feel better.

Is a hangover like being drunk?

They determined that being hungover can involve impairment of your cognitive functions and interfere with the normal performance of everyday tasks like driving. So, does being hungover mean you're still drunk? Not always, but it can produce the same effects — other than the fun, feel-good ones.