Grant and Contract Accounting

grant accounting

Travel Request forms and Travel Vouchers, etc. are available from the Purchasing Office. All requests for disbursement of grant funds must be routed through the Accounting Office for review of the appropriateness of the expenditure, and are subject to the availability of funds. As a rule of thumb, a 10 % variation from the approved budget may be allowable. Generally, approved purchase requisitions are encumbered in Purchasing System and turned into Purchase Orders by Purchasing Office.

  • The rates for the University of Central Arkansas are negotiated with the U.S.
  • General and program specific resources are available to assist grantees in implementing grant based accounting requirements.
  • An accounting system that is not designed for grant management will create extra work and may not provide proper transparency and stewardship of funds.
  • You can assign each transaction in
    QuickBooks to a class to track revenue and expenses for a specific program regardless of the chart of accounts.
  • Make sure to keep track of all the paperwork and requirements for the grant.
  • Second, the accounting treatment of a government grant depends on the nature of the grant.

Keep good communication with the grantor and be proactive in addressing any issues that may arise. Good communication with the grantor is important for maintaining transparency and accountability. Grants should be categorized according to their purpose and documented accordingly. By keeping good communication with the grantor, any issues that may arise can be addressed proactively.

IAS 20 — Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance

This can be difficult because it must consider all of the expenses related to the grant. This is important because any mistakes could lead to the grant being rejected or delayed. This is because businesses must comply with certain regulations to receive government grants. Reimbursable grants are given for a specific purpose or project and are repaid once the expenses are incurred, or the project is completed. Grants can be given for a variety of reasons, such as energy efficiency or renewable energy projects.

The program director should resolve any deficit situations with the Accounting staff. Government grants must be matched with corresponding costs in a reporting period. Most costs and expenses related to government grants are easily determinable and recognized over a number of periods. A government grant is recognized only when there are reasonable guarantees that the nonprofit will comply with the conditions attached to the grant, and the grant will be received.


Faculty and staff desiring to seek grant funds for their initiatives should also contact the Office for Public Grants and Corporate Partnerships for assistance in the overall grant development. Furthermore, this office usually routes the proposal to the approving parties, mails the document to the grantor, distributes copies to the responsible offices, and follows up with the grantor as necessary. GAO coordinates the Effort Certification process for the University’s faculty and staff. The objective of IAS 20 is to prescribe the accounting for, and disclosure of, government grants and other forms of government assistance. General and program specific resources are available to assist grantees in implementing grant based accounting requirements. Requisitions for honoraria/consultant services can be processed online in the Purchasing System and the Accounting Office will review and approve the requisition for further processing.

grant accounting

There are a few things to keep in mind when understanding the requirements of a grant and what accounting methods are allowed. First, grants can come in different types, and each type may have different requirements. It’s important to stay up to date with the latest accounting requirements. Second, the accounting treatment of a government grant depends on the nature of the grant. Finally, government grants are treated as an expense in the same period they’re recognized, rather than when they’re received. HUD has updated the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) to begin phasing out the first-in-first-out (FIFO) accounting methodology.

What is Grant Accounting

PwC refers to the US member firm or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. For Pre-Award activities, such as grant submissions, budget modifications, No Cost Extensions, Supplemental Pay, etc., see the Office of Research. The grant must be used according to the terms and conditions of the grant agreement to be classified as income.

grant accounting

In addition, QuickBooks allows an option to set up a budget for each grant. QuickBooks adds ease and efficiency to the grant tracking process, but can not replace a solid grant accountant. Insurance for accident and injury to University students should be the responsibility of the parents. The University may obtain insurance through the Bureau of Risk Management only if it is required and funded by the granting agency. Currently, the Migrant and Upward Bound programs have been authorized to purchase insurance.